Dann Petty's profile

Amazon.com Music, Movies & Games

Web Design
With the rise of iTunes, Amazon needs to rethink their online presence with Music. Amazon now needs to be the wiki of everything Music, Movies & Games and with this new domain they will. Introducing the new social platform for Amazon. Write reviews, listen & stream full songs, download your favorite movies or games and interact with all your peers in the process. The more you interact the more rewards you get. Will you become the Mayor of everything Beach Boys? Only one way to find out ;) Good luck.
Here's a preview of the users profile. Here you can see all of my recommended movies, music and games all at a quick glance. Even find out why I like them and how I rated them. Check out my connections and find new entertainment! Listen to my media gallery, no need to even download the music just stream my channel ;)
...and here's a look at what the site feels like in a small browser window. Notice how the player on the bottom scrolls with you and is always there unless you close it out. It acts as a radio while your browsing and never gets interrupted from page to page. Imagine that being a Pandora tool bar ;)
Amazon.com Music, Movies & Games

Amazon.com Music, Movies & Games

A site design for Amazon.com Music, Movies & Games.
